Jeannette Rodríguez Píneda

La Ilusión que nosotros existimos en un solo momento, 2021

24 Vandyke Brown Prints on Silk Organza

Individual print size : 44in W x 60in H

Installation size: 94in W x 60 in H x 96 in D


Mamí whispered these images in my dream.  Asking to remember the matter we are suspended in.  Process becomes mediation and transforms with gestures that travel through time.

The distillation of shared memories between mother and child decades apart printed on layers of silk organza using an antiquarian photographic process from 1842.

Mamí susurró estas imágenes en mi sueño.  Pidiéndome que recuerde la materia en la que estamos suspendidos.  El proceso se convierte en mediación y se transforma con gestos que viajan a través del tiempo.  La destilación de recuerdos compartidos entre madre y hija con décadas de diferencia impresos en capas de organza de seda utilizando un proceso fotográfico anticuario de 1842. 


Jeannette Rodríguez Píneda is a visual storyteller and educator residing between la islas of Kiskeya y Lenape Matinecock land. Using antiquarian emulsion based processes as a means of remembering soils called home, their work explores the tension of faded past narratives within the present form. Capturing fragments of light that make connections between aqui y alla, they reflect on the closely related subjects of archive and memory They have an intergenerational teaching practice rooted in love ethic that spans across the 5 boroughs.