About Danbee Kim

Danbee Kim is a Korean American artist based in Chicago, IL who uses digital illustration and graphic design to show what's possible when we move together as a collective ecosystem. She partners with community-based organizations building alternatives to carceral solutions and fighting against corporate interests to usher in a world where collective flourishing is not limited to just a few but for all. Her work has been displayed at the Hairpin Arts Center, Roman Susan Gallery, School of Art Institute Galleries, New Mount Pilgrim MB Church, and, most importantly, the streets of Chicago. 

Art inspired by Faith Ringgold, United States of Attica, 1972.

Danbee Kim, United States of Redacted, 2023. Digital illustration, 12 x 15 inches.

Visual Description: Inspired by Faith Ringgold’s 1972 poster “United States of Attica”, this digital illustration depicts the United States map and emphasizes the amount of banned books in each state. This illustration is one of three interpretations of the original map showcased in this exhibition. 

The illustration is dominated by the colors red and green as the rectangular image is divided into four sections.